Study of surperficial sediments contamination of the Sepetiba Bay by mercury
Sepetiba Bay. Contamination. Mercury. Sediments.Abstract
The establishment of industries and the high population density promote several changes in the maritime environment in coastal regions. Taking into consideration the high concentration of industries around Sepetiba Bay, it is sought to study the contamination of superficial sediment by mercury. For this purpose, sediment samples were collected along the entire length of the bay, being treated in the laboratory and having its concentration determined by the technique of cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy. High concentrations of the metal were determined in the interior of the bay, especially in its northeast region, where the highest sulfide levels were also found. Thus, from the collected data it was possible to understand that despite the high levels of mercury found, it is expected that it will not be bioavailable once it is found precipitated with sulfide in an immobilized form.
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