Fault indication in electric power distribution using a LoRaWAN communication network


  • Flávio Garlet Reck Federal University of Santa Maria/Electrical Engineering Student
  • Filipe Gabriel Carloto Federal University of Santa Maria/Masters student in Electrical Engineering
  • Lucas Maziero Federal University of Santa Maria/Master in Electrical Engineering
  • Daniel Pinheiro Bernardon Federal University of Santa Maria/Doctor in Electrical Engineering


Fault indication, Electric power distribuition network, LoRaWAN


When a fault occurs in a distribution network, the power distribution company only has the information that it happened when clients inform them. The fault location is approximated, based on consumers’ reports. This process can be slow, affecting quality indexes determinated by official regulations. In this paper, a solution is presented, using a device that sends a signal via LoRa network when a cutout fuse is opened, indicating the power distribution company in an automatic way, in few seconds, that can send the maintenance team with a better agility, improving the quality indexes.


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How to Cite

Garlet Reck, F., Carloto, F. G., Maziero, L., & Pinheiro Bernardon, D. (2020). Fault indication in electric power distribution using a LoRaWAN communication network. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 7(6), 79–101. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.itp.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/rbic/article/view/250