Evolution of research about big data and tourism

Systematic review of the national literature


  • Natalya Reis da Silva Instituto Federal de São Paulo - IFSP, campus São Paulo
  • Érika Sayuri Koga Instituto Federal de São Paulo - IFSP, campus São Paulo


Big data, Tourism, Interdisciplinary model, Systematic literature review


Considering the diversity of possibilities for big data in tourism, the aim was to develop an integrative review on big data, conducted by Brazilian researchers and published in journals. Following the PRISMA protocol, 76 articles were extracted from the Web of Science, Scopus and Publicações de Turismo databases, and 19 articles were analyzed. Results showed that more than half of studies used user-generated data (63.2%), data collected from devices (21.1%) and data extracted from operations or transactions (15.8%). Although research into big data in tourism is recent, starting in 2000, there are gaps and developments to contribute to its progress.


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Author Biographies

Natalya Reis da Silva, Instituto Federal de São Paulo - IFSP, campus São Paulo

She has a professionalizing course in Technical Administration integrated to high school by Etec Abdias do Nascimento (2019). Graduated in Technology in Tourism Management at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo - IFSP - (2022). Undergraduate student of Literature at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.

Érika Sayuri Koga, Instituto Federal de São Paulo - IFSP, campus São Paulo

PhD candidate in Tourism at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (EACH-USP), Master in Hospitality from the University Anhembi-Morumbi (2011), Postgraduate MBA in Business Management from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (2007), Bachelor in Tourism from the University of São Paulo (2002), Technologist in Hospitality from the University Center Senac (1999) and graduated in Pedagogical Teacher Training for Professional Education at Secondary Level - distance modality. She has been working professionally for over 20 years in the areas of tourism planning and organization, lodging management, environment, research, and higher education. She is currently Professor of the Superior Course of Technology in Tourism Management at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP), where she also coordinates extension, teaching, and research projects.


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How to Cite

Silva, N. R. da, & Koga, Érika S. (2023). Evolution of research about big data and tourism: Systematic review of the national literature. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 10, e023043. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.itp.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/rbic/article/view/1033