There are changes in reading behavior and reading comprehension levels during higher education?


  • Giselle Chrystien da Silva FEI University
  • Raúl Cesar Gouveia Fernandes FEI University


Reading behavior. Reading habits. Reading comprehension. Higher education.


This work aims to analyze possible changes in reading behavior and reading comprehension levels of university students during college courses to estimate the potential influence of higher education on these variables. This observational and cross-sectional study collects data from students from different classes and semesters at a private educational institution in Brazil through an online questionnaire and a reading comprehension test. Results indicate that the university does not positively influence reading habits and preferences, as well as reading comprehension levels of participants.


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Author Biographies

Giselle Chrystien da Silva, FEI University

Undergraduate student of Business, FEI University (Brazil).

Raúl Cesar Gouveia Fernandes, FEI University

PhD in Portuguese Literature, Universidade de São Paulo. Professor, Department of Social and Legal Sciences at FEI University (Brazil). 


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How to Cite

da Silva, G. C., & Fernandes, R. C. G. (2024). There are changes in reading behavior and reading comprehension levels during higher education?. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, e024013. Retrieved from