Embedment strength of pinus woods according to ABNT NBR 7190, EN 383 and ASTM D5764 standards


  • Mário Brenner Ferreira da Silva Leite Instituto Federal de São Paulo campus Itapetininga
  • Pedro Henrique Medeiros Fortes Instituto Federal de São Paulo campus Itapetininga
  • Rafael Massatoshi Tomita Tanabe Instituto Federal de São Paulo campus Itapetininga
  • Rafael dos Santos IFSP
  • Julio Cesar Molina Universidade de São Paulo campus São Carlos


Madeira. Comparação. Embutimento. Ligações. Pinus.


There are several types of connections used in timber structures, including connections using metallic pins. To evaluate these connections, different normative are used to determine the embedding strength. This study evaluates the methods employed by Brazilian (NBR 7190), European (EN 383), and American (ASTM D5764) standards for determining the embedment strength of pine wood. In general, the European standard presented more consistent values ​​for analytical and experimental embedment strength, favoring safety. The American standard presented consistency for experimental strengths in the parallel direction, while the Brazilian standard in the direction perpendicular to the fibers.


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Author Biographies

Mário Brenner Ferreira da Silva Leite, Instituto Federal de São Paulo campus Itapetininga

Graduado em Engenharia Mecânica. IFSP Campus Itapetininga. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-7088-625X

Pedro Henrique Medeiros Fortes, Instituto Federal de São Paulo campus Itapetininga

Graduando em Engenharia Mecânica. IFSP Campus Itapetininga. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-8982-542X

Rafael Massatoshi Tomita Tanabe, Instituto Federal de São Paulo campus Itapetininga

Graduando em Engenharia Mecânica. IFSP Campus Itapetininga. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2065-4730

Rafael dos Santos, IFSP

Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica, Professor. IFSP Campus Itapetininga. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7375-5840.

Julio Cesar Molina, Universidade de São Paulo campus São Carlos

Doutor em Engenharia Civil, Professor. USP Campus São Carlos. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6204-0206


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How to Cite

Brenner Ferreira da Silva Leite, M., Medeiros Fortes, P. H., Tomita Tanabe, R. M., dos Santos, R., & Molina, J. C. (2024). Embedment strength of pinus woods according to ABNT NBR 7190, EN 383 and ASTM D5764 standards. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 10, e023044. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.itp.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/rbic/article/view/1477