Anti-racist education in the training of workers

the possibilities presented by the cycles of studies on african, afro-brazilian and indigenous histories and cultures


  • Helena Soares Cardoso
  • Roselene Moreira Gomes Pommer Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Zípora Rosauro Araújo


Technical Education, Racism, Ethnic-Racial Education


The Laws 10. 639/2003 and 11.645/2008 expanded the debates on indigenous, African, and Afro-Brazilian history and culture by promoting, since 2010, pedagogical activities with anti-racist purposes at the Industrial Technical College of Santa Maria. This text reflects the relevance of these activities developed with students from technical courses integrated into secondary education. The activities refer to the Study Cycles on African, Afro-Brazilian, and Indigenous Cultures and History, an annual event that aims to reflect on structural and institutional racism and the lack of representation experienced by black students in a space it intends to be of integral, egalitarian and humanistic education.


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Author Biographies

Helena Soares Cardoso

Estudante do Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica. CTISM/UFSM. ORCID:

Roselene Moreira Gomes Pommer, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Drª em História. CTISM/UFSM. ORCID

Zípora Rosauro Araújo

Acadêmica do Curso de Ciências Sociais. UFSM. ORCID



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How to Cite

Soares Cardoso, H., Pommer, R. M. G., & Araújo, Z. R. (2022). Anti-racist education in the training of workers: the possibilities presented by the cycles of studies on african, afro-brazilian and indigenous histories and cultures. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 8, e021047. Retrieved from