Approach in each stage of chronic kidney disease and the levels of health care


  • Layane Cristina Federal University of São João del Rei
  • Eduardo Nogueira Cortez Federal University of São João del Rei
  • Alba Otoni Federal University of São João del Rei


Chronic Kidney Disease. Health Services Accessibility. Health Care Levels.


Chronic Kidney Disease covers changes in kidney functions for more than three months, which is a public health problem and requires preventive measures. Objective: to identify whether or not patients with Chronic Kidney Disease were approached about kidney health according to the stage of the disease and level of health care. Methodology: observational study carried out in Nephrology at a hospital in Minas Gerais. Results: The participants were188 patients who were on hemodialysis between 2018 and 2022. 64.9% were approached about kidney health. Conclusion: health services are important in disease prevention, providing autonomy and co-responsibility.


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Author Biographies

Layane Cristina, Federal University of São João del Rei

Student of Nursing at the Federal University of São João Del-Rei Campus Midwest Dona Lindu (UFSJ-CCO). PIBIC/FAPEMIG scholarship holder for the project "Preventive approach in people with chronic kidney disease in primary health care before renal replacement therapy". Volunteer in the research entitled "Deliberate rapid cycle practice as a teaching strategy for intravenous drug administration". Member of the research group "Oncology throughout the Life Cycle"


Eduardo Nogueira Cortez, Federal University of São João del Rei

Graduated in Nursing from the State University of Minas Gerais - Divinópolis (2002), Master in Health Promotion from the University of Franca (2012). PhD student in Health Sciences at UFSJ - CCO. He is currently a professor at the State University of Minas Gerais - UEMG and professor of undergraduate nursing at the Centro Universitário Una de Bom Despacho. She has experience in Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: nursing, women's health, public health, mental health, adult health and quality indicators in health care.

Alba Otoni , Federal University of São João del Rei

Nurse by the UFMG School of Nursing; Specialist in Nursing in Nephrology by the Brazilian Society of Nursing in Nephrology; Master in Nursing from the School of Nursing of UFMG - research area - Markers of integrity of the peritoneal membrane of chronic renal patients with CAPD; PhD in Health Sciences by the Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Postgraduate Program/ Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) ? research area - Immunology of renal lesions in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis ( 2011). Post Doctorate in Health Sciences by the Post-Graduation Program Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine/ Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) ? focus- Immunology of renal lesions (2015). Currently Associate Professor II at the Federal University of São João Del Rei - CCO-D.Lindu Campus. Divinópolis-MG; collaborating researcher of the Research Groups: Center for Research in Epidemiology and Collective Health - UFSJ; and Center for Excellence in the Study of Biomarkers in Human Diseases (NEBiD)- UFMG



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How to Cite

Cristina, L., Nogueira Cortez, E., & Otoni , A. (2024). Approach in each stage of chronic kidney disease and the levels of health care. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, e024007. Retrieved from