Effect of moderate intensity exercise on the biomechanics of the achilles tendon in diabetic rats



Diabetes Mellitus, Achilles Tendon, Maximal Effort Test


The objective was to verify the effect of moderate intensity exercise on the biomechanical parameters of the Achilles tendon (TA), physical conditioning, body weight and glycemia of Wistar rats with diabetes mellitus 1. They had their fitness evaluated before and after after six weeks of moderate intensity exercise on a treadmill. Then, the TA was collected and its biomechanical parameters were evaluated. The biomechanics of the AT of diabetic rats did not change after six weeks of induction and exercise was beneficial in the AT of healthy rats, in addition, it was able to improve the physical conditioning of these rats.


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Author Biographies

Sara Emanuely Veríssimo Santos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Physiotherapist from the Federal University of Pernambuco since January 14, 2020 - Department of Physiotherapy.

Ana Camila Nobre de Lacerda Brito, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

PhD student in Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Master in Physiotherapy (2018) from UFPE and has a degree in Physiotherapy, with an Academic Award, also from UFPE (2015). She performed Scientific Initiation at the Neuromuscular Plasticity Laboratory (2012-2015) and was a monitor of the discipline of Neuroanatomy of the Psychology course at the Federal University of Pernambuco (2011).

Paulo César da Sílva Queiroz, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Physiotherapist from the Federal University of Pernambuco since January 14, 2020 - Department of Physiotherapy.

Sílvia Regina Arruda de Moraes, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Full Professor of the Department of Anatomy at the Federal University of Pernambuco, she has experience in the field of Physiotherapy, with an emphasis on anatomy of the locomotor system, acting mainly on the following themes: diabetes, morphometry, peripheral nerve regeneration and physical exercise.


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How to Cite

Santos, S. E. V. ., Brito, A. C. N. de L., Queiroz, P. C. da S. ., & Regina Arruda de Moraes, S. (2021). Effect of moderate intensity exercise on the biomechanics of the achilles tendon in diabetic rats. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 8, e021031. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.itp.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/rbic/article/view/78