Training of basic teachers at the university

preliminary indications of obsolete indoctrination


  • Pedro Demo Universidade de Brasília


Teacher training. University. Knowledge. Learning.


The text aims to show that the formation of the basic teacher in university graduation is obsolete, because it is still in the instructional context of the beginning of the last century. Today it is required that teacher be an author, scientist, researcher, in order to be able to form students as authors, scientists, researchers, skills that would start already in preschool. The function of transmitting content reproductively is moving to the computer. It animates this discussion the learning vision as authorship, not as training, even though training is part of human learning, but as accessory instrumentation. School does not take seriously the diagnosis of school learning, ignoring that most students do not learn, especially in high school. BNCC (Basic National Common-Core) calls for the "re-creation of the school", which implies the re-creation of the teacher. The university, due to lack of self-criticism, does not accept to reinvent its undergraduate courses (pedagogy and teaching courses). It continues to train teaching professionals, while we need learning professionals. Teacher is not seen as guilty, but as also responsible for the student's learning. We have to take care of the teachers so they can take care of the students.


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Author Biography

Pedro Demo, Universidade de Brasília

Doutorado em Sociologia - Universität Des Saarlandes/Alemanha (1971). Professor titular
aposentado da Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Sociologia. Professor Emérito da
UnB. Fez pós-doutorado na UCLA/Los Angeles (1999-2000). Tem experiência na área de
Política Social, com ênfase em Sociologia da Educação e Pobreza Política. Trabalha com
Metodologia Científica, no contexto da Teoria Crítica e Pesquisa Qualitativa. Pesquisa
principalmente a questão da aprendizagem nas escolas públicas, por conta dos desafios da
cidadania popular. Publicou mais de 90 livros.


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How to Cite

DEMO, P. Training of basic teachers at the university: preliminary indications of obsolete indoctrination. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Didática das Ciências e Matemática, [S. l.], v. 2, p. e021015, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.