A study on the relationship between the color of total lunar eclipses and suspended particulates in the atmosphere
Global air pollution, Volcanic aerosols, Danjon, LIDAR, All-SkyAbstract
This paper presents a study on the atmospheric condition caused by waste expelled in the volcanic eruption on Tonga Island in January 2022 and its relationship with the color of total lunar eclipses. We aim to answer the following research question: what is the influence of volcanic particulates on the color of this type of eclipse? The analysis methodology involved the Danjon scale of eclipses that occurred before and after this eruption, and the data was obtained with the project carried out by IPMet UNESP, in partnership with NASA, IPEN and LPC with LIDAR equipment, in addition to records from a meteor patrolling station in partnership with the UNESP Astronomy Observatory. The main results of this research demonstrate the extent to which volcanic aerosols act as a natural source of atmospheric particulates that affect the color of total lunar eclipses and morning and afternoon twilights.
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