Fried chicken, or another didactic in mathematics teacher training


  • Ivan Fortunato IFSP, campus Itapetininga


Didatics. Teacher Education. Education


The paper is an essay that presents, discusses and promotes reflections and inflections regarding the discipline of Didactics developed in the second semester of 2022, in the degree course in Mathematics, at the Federal Institute of São Paulo, Itapetininga campus. In a democratic and unorthodox way, the discipline's knowledge was metaphorically worked through a thematic soirée that involved cooking. In the end, it is highlighted that fun, creativity, joy and happiness are possible elements in education and are consistent with another teacher training, which seeks to transform the archaic banking model.


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Author Biography

Ivan Fortunato, IFSP, campus Itapetininga

Doutor em Humanidades, Direitos e Outras Legitimidades (FFLCH/USP), Doutor em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias (IB/UNESP) e Doutor em Geografia (IGCE/UNESP). Professor do IFSP, campus Itapetininga. ORCID:


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How to Cite

FORTUNATO, I. Fried chicken, or another didactic in mathematics teacher training. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Didática das Ciências e Matemática, [S. l.], p. e023001, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.