Abortion of anencephalal fets

an analysis of adpf 54 in light of the dignity of the human person and bioethical principles


  • Camilli Gross UFSM
  • Nina Trícia Disconzi Pigatto
  • Thieser da Silva Farias UFSM


ADPF; Aborto; Crime; Bioética; fetos anencéfalos.


This article intends to study the abortion of anencephalic fetuses discussed in ADPF 54. For this, medical concepts and the legal arguments used in the discussion of the aforementioned Allegation of Non-compliance with a Fundamental Precept judged by the Supreme Court in 2008 are analyzed. deductive approach, the methods of monographic procedure and the techniques of documentary and bibliographic research, the position of that Judicial Court regarding several fundamental rights related to the matter, such as the right to life defended by religious entities and the autonomy of the will of the mother, with references to the right to health and dignity of the pregnant woman.


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How to Cite

Gross, C., Trícia Disconzi Pigatto, N., & da Silva Farias, T. . (2021). Abortion of anencephalal fets: an analysis of adpf 54 in light of the dignity of the human person and bioethical principles. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 8, e021041. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.itp.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/rbic/article/view/571