The contribution of the brazilian Journal of Scientific Initiation to physics teaching in 10 articles


  • Ivan Fortunato IFSP Itapetininga
  • Alexandre Shigunov Neto IFSP Itapetininga


Physics Teaching. State of Knowledge. Systematic review


This paper presents a State of Knowledge about Physics Teaching and the Brazilian Journal of Scientific Initiation. It is a systematic review of articles published in this journal since its foundation until the end of 2022, in which articles resulting from Scientific Initiation research on “Physics Teaching” were sought. As the title denounces, 10 articles on different topics were located, revealing that the field is vast, diverse and still full of gaps to be filled by academic research. It is also emphasized the importance of the journal for the training of researchers, starting from the urdergraduation course.


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Author Biographies

Ivan Fortunato, IFSP Itapetininga

Licenciando em Física (UniFaveni). Professor do IFSP, campus Itapetininga. ORCID:

Alexandre Shigunov Neto, IFSP Itapetininga

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resultados e desafios. In: SHIGUNOV NETO, A.; Da RÓZ, A. L.; FORTUNATO, I.; DIAS, C. M.; HAMMARSTROM, R. O. (org.). 10 anos de atuação do campus Itapetininga do IFSP: gerando crescimento e oportunidades para a cidade e região. Itapetininga: Edições Hipótese, 2020. p. 182-187

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SPINELLI, P. M. J.; FORTUNATO, I. O bordado e a formação de professores: um estado do conhecimento pelas teses e dissertações nacionais. Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores (RIPF), Itapetininga, v. 7, p. e022014, 2022.



How to Cite

Fortunato, I., & Shigunov Neto, A. (2023). The contribution of the brazilian Journal of Scientific Initiation to physics teaching in 10 articles. Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 10, e023003. Retrieved from