School, natural sciences, religion, and their interrelations
a study with high school students
Ensino de ciências. Ciência e religião. Multiculturalismo.Abstract
Interactions between science (teaching) and religion have been increasingly studied in the literature. This work aims to deepen the understanding of the relationship between science and religion in the school context through the worldviews of high school students: how do these students perceive and interpret nature and how do they interact with the binomial science-religion when doing it? Does the school interfere in these relationships? For that, a quali-quantitative approach was used: a questionnaire was elaborated and applied to students from three different schools, and their answers were analysed. Most students consider that the planet and living beings evolve, as well as believe that science seeks the truth. Despite this, there is a greater tendency towards a religious worldview in the confessional school. Even so, the results indicate that the school context is a relatively unimportant variable for establishing relationships between science and religion in high school students.
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