Study of the chanana leaf drying assessment (turnera ulmifolia l.)


  • Emanuelle Menezes chemical engineering department
  • Ivailson Santos UFMA/Chemical engineering department
  • Isabelle Menezes UFMA/Chemical engeneering department
  • Dennys Silva UFRN/Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering (PPgEQ)


chanana, turnera ulmifolia, drying kinetics, mathematical modeling


Chanana is a medicinal plant studied in Brail as a treatment for diseases. In medicinl species, it is not possible for industries to use fresh plants, so the drying process is used. This work aimed to evaluate and model the curing kinetics curves of chanana leaves for the temperature ranges of 40, 50 and 60ºC. The curves were obtained using certain semi-empirical models. The Peleg model fitted better to the experimental data, with na average value of determination coefficient (R2) of 0,98 and na average relative adjustment error (MRE) of 0,057.


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Author Biographies

Emanuelle Menezes, chemical engineering department

Graduating in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA, 2016-1)
where he worked in research with drying medicinal plants for conservation purposes. She is
currently a researcher at LEPEQ, with research focused on factorial planning for the removal
of SDS in a fixed bed column using charcoal from the açaí stone in the materials area.

Ivailson Santos, UFMA/Chemical engineering department

He is currently a student in the ninth period of the Chemical Engineering course at the
Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). He has professional and academic experience in the
area of ​​the honey production chain, chemical processes, unit operations, resource management
and in the development of bioreactors for the cultivation of microalgae. He was part of the
Chemical Engineering Academic Center (CAEQ / UFMA) in 2017 as secretary of communication,
developing the teaching project Tutoring in Basic Mathematics for Higher Education, which
is linked as a tutor through the Academic Focus / UFMA program. Participated in the
organizational committee of the SENGE congress (Engineering Week of MA) in editions VI
and VII.

Isabelle Menezes, UFMA/Chemical engeneering department

She is a graduate student in Chemical Engineering - UFMA, has done research in the area of
​​Construction of Microemulsions Water in Oil (W / O) or Oil in Water (O / W) using babassu
coconut oil and currently works with liquid-vapor balance of the binary mixture of 1.5
pentanediol + water. She was secretary of Lectures at Maranhão Engineering Week and is a m
ember of the Market Directorate at Empresa Júnior - Conspeq.

Dennys Silva, UFRN/Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering (PPgEQ)

Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA, 2012-2016).
Master in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
(UFRN, 2017-2018). He is currently a PhD student at the Graduate Program in Chemical
Engineering (PPgEQ) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, 2018-) where he
works as a researcher at the Laboratory of Surfactant Technology (LTT-UFRN). He has
experience in Chemical Engineering with emphasis on: ELV modeling of binary and ternary
systems, vibrational and electrical characterization of perovskites, production and study
of biodegradable films and coatings, kinetics and drying operations of food, and
surfactants and derived systems applied in the industry of oil and gas.


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How to Cite

Menezes, E., Santos, I. ., Menezes, I., & Silva, D. (2022). Study of the chanana leaf drying assessment (turnera ulmifolia l.) . Revista Brasileira De Iniciação Científica, 8, e021052. Retrieved from