Psychodrama Educational Method in initial teacher education

identification and disruption of the students' notions about teaching practices


  • Maisa Helena Altarugio Universidade Federal do ABC


Initial Teacher Education. Psychodrama. Teaching Practices. Cultural Conserve. Criativity.


This article presents a report and a discussion about one innovative pedagogical experience which happened in two groups of the Development and Learning course, which is a mandatory subject in the initial teacher education in a public university in São Paulo, Brazil. Using the Psychodrama Educational Method (Romaña, 1992) and the Image-Building technique (Rojas-Bermúdez,1980), it was possible to explore the contributions of an active teaching method in order to identify and support the disruption of the students' notions about teaching, learning, teacher practices and the teacher's role. The results, obtained from the students' productions, were discussed considering the concept of cultural conserve (Moreno, 2013) and the theoretical references from Perrenoud (2002) and Tardif & Raymond (2000) about the teacher's routines and beliefs. As a conclusion, we alert about the need and the importance for teacher trainers to present these views in the initial teacher education, helping students to raise awareness and developing more reflexive and critical professionals.


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Author Biography

Maisa Helena Altarugio, Universidade Federal do ABC

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), docente e pesquisadora do curso de Pós-Graduação em Ensino e História das Ciências e Matemática da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC).


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How to Cite

ALTARUGIO, M. H. Psychodrama Educational Method in initial teacher education: identification and disruption of the students’ notions about teaching practices. Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores, Itapetininga, v. 2, n. 1, p. 95–109, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


