Materiais motivadores e lúdicos associados com a literacia na formação de docentes
Formação de docentes. Atividade lúdica; Literacia.Resumo
Este artigo apresenta alguns projetos de atividade lúdica integrados, já desenvolvidos na escola em contexto educativo em Portugal. Pretende ser um contributo na formação de professores vocacionados para a educação de crianças e jovens. O artigo defende a vantagem da atividade lúdica associada com a literacia. Propõe ainda uma reflexão sobre as práticas educativas, as orientações filosóficas sobre educação e as modernas pedagogias. Tem como objetivo dar uma visão geral das boas práticas de atividade lúdica, no contexto educativo. Serão abordados pontos de vista de investigadores nestes domínios e conceitos teóricos associados a exemplo de intervenção em contexto educativo.
CHRISTIE, J. F. Psychological Research on Play: Connections with Early Literacy Development. In: CHRISTIE, James F. (Ed.). Play and Early Literacy Development. State University of New York
Press, Albany, 1991.
_________. Literacy Enriched Play Settings. Arizona State University, 1995.
_________; ENZ, B.; VUKELICH, C. Teaching language and Literacy: Preschool through the
elementary grades. Addison-Welsey Educational Publishers Inc U. S., 1997.
FERREIRO, E.; TEBEROSKY, A. Literacy before Schooling. Exeter, NH: Heinemann Educational
Books, 1982.
HALL, N. The emergence of literacy: Young children’s developing understanding of reading and writing. Exeter, NH: Heinemann Educational Books, 1987.
_____.; ROBISON A. Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years. David Fulton Publishers.
London, 1997.
JACOB, E. Learning literacy through play, Puerto Rican kindergarten children. In: GOELMAN, H.;OBERG; SMITH, F. (Eds.). Awakening to literacy. Exeter, NH: Heinemann Educational Books,
NEUMAN, S.; ROSKOS, K. The influence of literacy enriched play centers on preschoolers’
conceptions of the functions of print. In: CHRISTIE, J. (Ed). Play and early literacy development.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1991.
PESSANHA, A. Books and related play materials promoting family literacy. 25 ICCP World Play
Conference, Faculdade de Motricidade, 2010.
__________. Play materials, toys and Literacy in school and family. Paper. 7 th ITRA World
Congress, Braga, Catholic University of Portugal, 2014.
PIAGET, J. La psychologie de l'intelligence. Paris: Armand Colin, 1947.
ROSKOS, K. et al. Linking Literacy and Play: Facilitator`s guide. Newark, DE: International
Reading Association, 1995.
________; CHRISTIE, J. F. Play and early childhood. New York: John: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, 2007.
________; CHRISTIE, J. The play-literacy nexus and the importance of evidence-based
techniques in the classroom. American Journal of Play, 4 (2), p. 204-224, 2012.
SMILANSKY, S. The effects of sociodramatic play on disadvantaged preschool children. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1968.
SUTTON-SMITH, B. The Folk Stories of Children. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
______________. One hundred years of change in play. Research. TAASP. Newsletter, 9 (2), p.
, 1983.
VUKELICH, C. Materials and Modelling: Promoting Literacy during Play. In: CHRISTIE, J.
(Ed.). Play and early literacy development. Suny. State University of New York Press, 1991.
__________. Watch me! Watch me! Understanding children’s literacy knowledge. In: CHRISTIE, J.;
ROSKOS, K.; ENZ, B.; VUKELICH, C; NEUMAN, J. (Eds.). Reading for linking literacy and
play. Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1995.
VYGOTSKY, L. S. Play and its role in the mental development of the child. In: BRUNER, J. S.;
JOLLY, A.; SYLVIA, K. (Eds.). Play: Its role in development and evolution. New York: Basic
Books, 1976. p. 537-554.
WOODARD, C. Guidelines for facilitating sociodramatic play. Childhood Education, 1984.
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