Training Needs of High School Chemistry Teachers of State Schools in the Municipality of Tangará da Serra – MT


  • Kilwangy Kya Kapitango-a-Samba Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - UNEMAT
  • Paula Lima da Cruz Verciano Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Mato Grosso


In-service Training Needs. Chemistry Teachers. Analysis of training needs. High school


This article is an excerpt from a master's thesis, where part of the field research data analysis will be presented. The research aimed to identify, analyze and describe the training needs of high school chemistry teachers in state schools located in the municipality of Tangará da Serra-MT. The research problem was determined to know: what are the training needs of Chemistry in Service teachers in State Schools in Tangará da Serra, based on their perceptions about professional learning in service? It is a quantitative research, with a sample of 13 Chemistry teachers, in a universe of 16 teachers from the state education system in the municipality where the research was carried out. We used the bibliographic research and the survey with application of the questionnaire via the Survey Monkey data collection and analysis system. Data were analyzed using basic statistical techniques: frequency and percentage analysis. The results show that in-service training can improve if the studies are aimed at pedagogical practice, with innovative teaching resources that reach the interest of students and solve learning problem situations in the classroom.


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How to Cite

KAPITANGO-A-SAMBA, K. K.; VERCIANO, P. L. da C. Training Needs of High School Chemistry Teachers of State Schools in the Municipality of Tangará da Serra – MT. Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores, Itapetininga, v. 6, p. 127–153, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.