Perspective critical-reflective and collaboration in teacher training


  • Juliana Ormastroni de Carvalho Santos Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada


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This paper aims to present theoretical discussions about teacher training in critical and reflexive perspective. Therefore, the definition of critical reflection in teacher training will be prepared through the contribution of several researchers, among them Dewey (2002), Moon (2001), Schön (1995, 2002), Liberali, (2004), Freire (1987), Kemmis (1987), Magalhães and Fidalgo (2007) and Smyth (1993). The critical reflection proposed here is based on Freire's studies (1987), is focused on dialectical relationships among society, subject and education and predicts the relationship between theory and practice in the knowledge appropriation process aiming at the subjects’ emancipation and social transformation. It also includes a study about the praxis in order to make teachers researchers of their own action. In the reflexive teacher education, language assumes centrality while used to keep or share power, to question contexts, understand them and try to rearrange them. The critical-reflexive perspective in teacher education is also related to the creative process (Celani, 2004; Vygotsky (1930/1999), while the possibility to change existing positions and the collaboration idea (Magalhães, 2007a, 2007b, 2009) through a guidance manner by the intentional act and the relationship with the other to the shared object expansion.


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Author Biography

Juliana Ormastroni de Carvalho Santos, Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada

Doutora em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela PUC-SP. É professora das
Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada (FIMI), em Mogi Guaçu, nos cursos de Letras e Pedagogia.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, J. O. de C. Perspective critical-reflective and collaboration in teacher training. Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores, Itapetininga, v. 4, n. 1, p. 85–99, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.