What can Didactics?

Reflections around the invitation to learning


  • Maria Amélia Santoro Franco Universidade Católica de Santos


Didactics. Pedagogy. teaching practice.


This article, written in an essay form, intends to respond to the following question: what can Didática nos tempos atuais? E mais que isso: how can Didactics give meaning to the teaching activities concretized in the space/time of being in the classroom? It highlights the articulations between Didactics and Pedagogy, a process articulated by pedagogical practices, exploring the contradictions of the invitation to learning as two fundamental pillars of Didactics practice. I concluded by considering that Didactics, as Teaching Theory, will value the understanding that there is no teaching for the subject who interprets.


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Author Biography

Maria Amélia Santoro Franco, Universidade Católica de Santos

Professora/pesquisadora Universidade Católica de Santos. Pesquisadora CNPq. Doutora em Educação. Pós-doutora em pedagogia. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3867-5452


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How to Cite

FRANCO, M. A. S. What can Didactics? Reflections around the invitation to learning . Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores, Itapetininga, v. 8, p. e023014, 2023. Disponível em: https://periodicoscientificos.itp.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/rifp/article/view/1133. Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.

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