Chemistry teacher training needs

the question of "knowing" and "knowledge" in their pedagogical practices


  • Diego Marlon Santos
  • Lucila Akiko Nagashima UNESPAR


Training needs. Pedagogical practices. Chemistry teachers.


In this work, an analysis of the training needs of the professors of Chemistry in front of the
perceptions of their teaching practices was carried out, in the public schools of the city of
Paranavaí in the state of Paraná, being able to contribute in a more efficient and effective
formation of the teachers. Taking a more current mapping of training needs, we observed that
there is a great lack of teachers in this area of knowledge and the results obtained can serve
as a basis for discussions involving initial and continuing training proposals. The analysis
highlighted in the interviews and observations with the professors of Chemistry, the question
of what to "know" and "know how to do" to teach a quality teaching. In this research was
used a field research, descriptive and qualitative to analyze the data referring to the teachers
who teach the discipline of Chemistry in High School in the teaching institutions that are part
of the Regional Nucleus of Education of Paranavaí - PR. Data collection was done through
interviews and observations with 10 resident teachers in the city of Paranavaí, to investigate
and discuss their training needs. Finally, teachers' statements were important to discuss the
knowledge that needs to be acquired, providing a rich and complex view of the teaching


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Author Biographies

Diego Marlon Santos

Graduação em Química Industrial. Mestre em Ensino: Formação docente interdisciplinar pela Universidade Estadual do Paraná. Professor do Colégio Estadual Enira Moraes Ribeiro

Lucila Akiko Nagashima, UNESPAR

Doutora em Engenharia Química (UEM). Educação Matemática (UNESP).Docente da UNESPAR. Docente do Mestrado acadêmico em Formação Docente interdisciplinar.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, D. M.; NAGASHIMA, L. A. Chemistry teacher training needs: the question of "knowing" and "knowledge" in their pedagogical practices. Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores, Itapetininga, v. 2, n. 4, p. 76–99, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.

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