Pedagogy course, professional development and professional teacher
Pedagogy. Professional. Teach. Learn. Professionalisation.Abstract
In this article we discussed the difficulties arising from the initial formation in view of professional development and pedagogy course possibilities form the teacher from the perspective of teaching and learning to work in early childhood education and early
years of elementary school. We start from the following research problem: as the Faculty of Education is forming the teacher for teaching and learning with a view to professionalization. Aim: to analyze the formation process of the Faculty of Education
about learning the teaching showing the perceptions of prospective teachers on their profession. In this qualitative research, we used as a technical observation and questionnaire as a tool for students. Fundamented in theoretical as Marcelo Garcia
(1999); Nóvoa (1995); Brandão and Days (2014); Imbernon (2001); Libâneo (2004); Ramalho, Nuñez and Gauthier (2004); among others. The survey results point to the lack of knowledge or the consolidation of the teaching-learning, on the specificity of
professional development for professional and student learning of basic school. We understand that quality education requires the participation of a teacher and graduated with the skills needed to transform the pedagogical discourse in practice. We suggest further consideration of the initial training, professional development and teaching and learning that contribute to the professionalization.
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