The inefficiency of student-centered pedagogical approaches in a francophone context

why would it be different elsewhere?


  • Steve Bissonnette Université TÉLUQ
  • Clermont Gauthier Université Laval


Pedagogical approaches. Project pedagogy. Francophone context.


This article aims to describe pedagogical practices centered on the teacher and the student, as traditional and emerging strategies in view of the need to reformulate educational systems. The reflections of a very popular student-centered strategy, project pedagogy, are analyzed in a French-speaking context located in Quebec. The study shows that the results of students participating in Quebec's educational reform and project-based pedagogy were reduced compared to students who remained in mainstream education. Although we have a dominant constructivist discourse, teacher-centered teaching strategies demonstrate greater effectiveness and should consolidate school reform initiatives.


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Author Biographies

Steve Bissonnette, Université TÉLUQ

Doutor. Université TÉLUQ. ORCID:

Clermont Gauthier, Université Laval

Professeur émérite. Faculté des sciences de l’éducation. Université Laval. ORCID:


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How to Cite

BISSONNETTE, S.; GAUTHIER, C. The inefficiency of student-centered pedagogical approaches in a francophone context: why would it be different elsewhere?. Revista Internacional de Formação de Professores, Itapetininga, v. 8, p. e023006, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.